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Safe Surrender Program

The Safe Surrender Program allows a parent or person with lawful custody a place to surrender a minor child less than 72 hours old to a designated fire station, or emergency room, without fear of arrest or prosecution, provided the infant has not been abused or neglected.

A blue icon of a hand supporting an infant inside a house outline.

Person(s) surrendering the newborn will receive an envelope consisting of:

  • Postage paid envelope (pre-addressed)
  • Newborn medical questionnaire (English/Spanish)
  • Fact sheet for person(s) surrendering infant
  • Coded wrist identification bracelet for person surrendering infant


Things you have a right to know about safely surrendering a baby:

  1. You can help make sure that the baby has a healthy future by providing some important medical information. This information can be very useful in caring for the child. When people need medical care, it can help the doctor to know about the family’s medical background and what diseases or disabilities other people in the family may have or have had in the past. This is called a “medical history.” You will receive an envelope and all you have to do is answer the questions on the enclosed form as best as you can and mail it in the self-addressed, pre-stamped envelope that is provided. If you’d like, you can fill it out while at a Safe Surrender location and leave it with the personnel helping you. You don’t need to give your name or address or any other contact information. The label on the medical form is only to make sure the medical history can be matched to the right baby. Please fill out the form and send it in. By completing this form, the baby will have a medical history.
  2. Do you need help? When you surrender your baby we want to make sure that you are getting the help you need. There is a number available for you to call and get help: (530) 642-7100. This is the phone number to Talk Line’s 24-hour Hot Line. They will provide you with information on where to get medical treatment and supportive services, as well as, other support you may need.
  3. If you change your mind and want the baby back, you can call Child Protective Service’s 24-hour hotline at (530) 642-7100 within 14 days (you still may be able to get the baby back after 14 days, but it becomes much more difficult).
    – Please keep the numbered bracelet that will be given to you. You will need the bracelet if you change your mind and want the baby back. By having the bracelet you can prove that you are the person who surrendered the baby.


Safe Surrender Locations

Fire Station 1 16936 El Fuego, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Fire Station 216930 Four Gee Road, San Diego, CA 92127
Fire Station 36424 El Apajo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Fire Station 418040 Calle Ambiente, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Fire Station 52604 Overlook Point Road, Escondido, CA 92029
Fire Station 620223 Elfin Forest Road, Elfin Forest, CA 92029


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