AB 38 Defensible Space Inspections
As of July 1, 2021, California Assembly Bill 38 (AB 38) states that the seller of a residential property located in specified zones must submit documentation of compliance with Public Resource Code (PRC) 4291 and any other local Ordinance pertaining to wildfire defensible space prior to the close of escrow. This only applies to homes within a Very High Fire Severity Zone or High Fire Severity Zone area.
With AB 38, if documentation showing compliance cannot be obtained by the close of escrow, the seller and buyer can enter into a written agreement showing that the buyer agrees to obtain documentation of compliance within one year of closing escrow.
If it is determined the home is within one of these zones, a request for an inspection can be made below. Your hazard severity zone can be found by clicking this link and entering the property address on the page map.
For homes located in the State Responsibility Area (SRA)
Inspections will be performed by Cal Fire inspectors who will provide documentation of the inspection. Request an inspection here.
For homes located in the District
To confirm you are a district resident, please click the link or contact Adminstration at 858.756.5971. Inspections will be performed by a member of the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Prevention Division.